Educational Philosophy and Outcomes
Whether your student is aiming to ace the college entrance exams, or the next Math or Science test in school, one of the central components of his or her success is having confidence. Through individualized practice and student focused guidance, our students grow in self-actualization by actively taking charge of their own learning. We do not aim merely to prepare students for a given test, but to equip them with the educational and research tools necessary for them to become self-motivated, life-long learners. Having the right attitude about learning is key to success in school and in life.
We provide tutoring in a diverse range of subjects, but utilize a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge acquisition; carefully constructing bridges between skills the student already possesses and new material. This form of intellectual "scaffolding" makes learning quicker, more interesting to the student, and assists with retention.
We provide tutoring in a diverse range of subjects, but utilize a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge acquisition; carefully constructing bridges between skills the student already possesses and new material. This form of intellectual "scaffolding" makes learning quicker, more interesting to the student, and assists with retention.
Helping students to engage with the material they are presented in school is our hallmark and part of our mission as tutors. Students who are able to enjoy learning are students who will continue to excel in both academic and social settings, and students who are more likely to pursue advanced studies.